Monday, March 25, 2019


Besides the types of mountain and hills, what can you look for when selecting a property in a locality with prosperity and posterity in mind? 

You should make close observation on the quality of soil that make up the land in the vicinity of the neighborhood. 

In Feng Shui, the natural environment we lived in provides us with life giving energy known as qi. It is the life force that sustains all living things on earth. From the highest peak of the mountain, qi flows along the natural contours of the land and makes it way down the valleys where water is located. It is carried by the wind and gathers at the boundary of water. 

Get the hottest book on Feng Shui book by Alvin Yap and Get The Life You Want!

When you are looking for a suitable property to make your home, you should observe whether there is any mountain or hill around the area. If there is and it is lush with vegetation, you can tap into the qi that is strong and vitalizing. 

But if you would like to know what types of qi is available in the area, you can start by looking at what is below the ground. Qi flows on top and below the ground. Earth is a natural conductor of qi and naturally you can determine the types of qi it carries from observing the soil. The secret is in the color of the soil. To do this, you need to dig about 2 feet into the ground. First, pay attention to the texture of the soil. If it is soft and loamy (with a mixture of clay, sand and some decayed vegetable matter), it indicates positive qi and therefore good quality. Whereas if the soil tends to be rocky and pebbly (with mostly stones), it is not conducive for positive qi to take root. 

Secondly, by examining the soil’s natural color, we can determine the types of qi it contains. Based on Feng Shui concept, there are five elemental phases of qi namely, wood, fire, earth, metal and water. Each element takes on a color. 

The following is a general guide as to what each color means in relation to the soil:-

  • Green colored soil denotes wood qi and is associated with nobility, benevolence and growth
  • Red or purple colored soil denotes fire qi and is associated with passion and spirituality
  • Yellowish colored soil denotes earth qi and is associated with wealth and stability
  • Pale white colored soil denotes metal qi and is associated with power and authority
  • Black colored soil denotes water qi and is associated with intelligence and travelling.

For more Feng Shui tips, you can visit my websites at Bazidestiny and Proactive-qi.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019


In Chinese Astrology, the birth chart of a person allows us to determine the quality of spousal relationship through an intricate destiny analysis. One of the branches of Chinese Astrology known as Four Pillars of Destiny or BaZi can reveal the luck of marriage of a person. 

In Ba Zi, the secret to unveiling the marriage luck is to examine the Spouse palace and the Spouse element. There are five elements and 12 animal signs in a BaZi birth chart. The relationship between the elements and animal signs within the Four Pillars of a BaZi birth chart can tell a lot about a person’s love life and relationship with people. 

Get the hottest book on the Four Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zi) by Alvin Yap and Get The Life You Want!

What happens if you have a negative interaction between the elements or animal signs in a BaZi birth chart? What can you do about it? In Chinese Astrology, it is believed that our luck can be altered by taking an action that pre-empt the likelihood of misfortune in a person’s love life. 

From the ancient Chinese perspective, a prediction from a BaZi analysis is not carved in stone but what we can choose to tweet luck in our favor by marrying or establishing a relationship at the right time. For example if the chart indicate a probable divorce if you marry before the age of 30, then you should marry later to avoid this destiny from becoming true.

However, you need to make sure there is a significant difference in age between two persons who are forming a conjugal union. According to the ancient Chinese, a lack of affinity for marriage can be improved if we challenge the norm. Usually, a man marries a spouse that is a few years younger than him.  

In order to break with the norm or convention and alter the spousal luck, a man should marry a woman who is considerably older than him or much younger than him. The age gap should be greater than 7 years or preferably more. 

Another way of challenging the norm is to ensure a significant difference in status. This is another variation of not following the norm. By this, a man need not be the bread winner or the one with the intellectual prowess or financial wherewithal. For example if the man is poor, the wife can be wealthy or highly educated. On the other hand, if the man is highly educated, the wife should have a lowly education.

For a woman to improve her chance of finding love instead of marriage, she can also be the second One. A BaZi birth chart of a woman with poor marriage luck implies that she will find it difficult to be the first wife or the legally recognized one. The ancient Chinese believe that you can have more success if you take up the role of the second wife, mistress or one that is not legally recognized. 

As for a man, what can he do if his BaZi birth chart revealed poor marriage luck? Going by the same unconventional rule, he can opt to marry a divorcee or a widow! Alternatively, he can also marry someone from a different race or culture. This is yet another variation of not following conventional rule. For example if you are a Caucasian, you can marry a Chinese, Japanese or a person of colored skin.

Are you searching for love? You can get better luck if you gain insights into your birth chart based on your date of birth through the Chinese Four Pillars of Destiny. To get a personalized reading of your birth chart, please visit my website at Bazidestiny and Proactive-qi.

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


In BaZi or Four Pillars of Destiny, the elements and zodiacs carry certain features, characteristics and structures that can foretell whether a person needs a partner or can be a compatible partner. 

When it comes to business, it boils to synergy between the partners’ ability, aspirations and what the others can bring to the table for a win-win partnership. This will ensure whether or not the parties can actually collaborate to make profit together.

Get the hottest book on Ba Zi (Four Pillars of Destiny) by Alvin Yap and Get The Life You Want!

A person’s BaZi birth chart can reveal his innate character. Can the person take risks or averse to it? Is there a Rob Wealth or 7 Killings structure in the Ba Zi birth chart? In business, one needs to take calculated risks in order to go far. The person must have a keen eye for spotting opportunities and know how to capitalize on them in order to be competitive. Without such characteristic traits, it can pose a challenge to run a business and to sustain it. What if you do not have such qualities to be a businessman but possess creative intellect and ingenuity for ideas? Or you have technical knowhow and abundant knowhow but lack business acumen to start a business? Or perhaps you have strong networking ability and charisma to influence people but have poor money management skills? You can then look for a partner who possesses the skills and abilities you lack through Ba Zi compatibility reading.  

There are many factors that determine the success of a partnership but a BaZi analysis can bring forth the complimentary sets of skill of potential partners. The objective of finding a partner who is capable and suitable rest with the compatibility of the Ba Zi birth charts. One of the questions that beg asking - Is he or she the kind of person who can handle being in a partnership? Some people may have complementary strengths but simply do not have a collaborative spirit in them – it may not be easy for such as person to cooperate or work in a team as it does not come naturally to them.

In BaZi, the general rule is that Day Masters who are strong don't need partners as much as Day Masters who are weak, although there are exceptions to the rule.

However, there are practical reasons aside from Ba Zi’s perspectives that a person might want a partner. Some people can be a sole proprietor but simply want a partner because they don't want to do all the work. Some people may want a partner because they are short of capital and need financial backers.

From a Ba Zi stand point, a partnership can stand a better chance of success if there is compatibility between potential partners. It doesn't matter how well the partners leverage on each other’s skills or get along personally — there can be no lasting success in a partnership if one party is not hungry for success and the other party is very ambitious. This is when a Ba Zi analysis can measure the compatibility of a business partner based on complimentary skills and alignment of goals. Another important factor to consider for successful partnership is timing. In Ba Zi, a person is given luck pillars that determines the years when fortune can rise or fall in the pathways of life. To increase the odds of a successful partnership, the parties should go through favourable Luck Pillars at the time of a partnership and preferably their Luck Pillars should also indicate opportunities through partnership. They say timing is everything. It is also true in Ba Zi. With the right timing, a partnership is likely to be successful and profitable.

Get a personalized Ba Zi Reading with us and succeed in your personal endeavors at Bazidestiny and Proactive-qi.

Monday, March 18, 2019


A good night sleep is vital for health and alertness especially when you need to focus and be mentally active the next day at work. However, you may want to look at your bedroom and its surrounding features to make sure that it is conducive for a peaceful slumber.  

This is both practical and common sense to make a place of rest as comfortable as possible. You do not want any disturbance while you get ready for bed or during snooze time. At the very least, you should have a comfortable bed to rest your weary soul. 

Get the hottest book on Feng Shui by Alvin Yap (aka FS Zi) and Get The Life You Want!

But what is pleasurable may not necessarily be good for you in Feng Shui speak. For example, a water bed may be a novelty for those who seek the finer things in life but it is not what Feng Shui would recommend. This is because water is Yang. The concept of Yin and Yang form the bedrock of Feng Shui and all Chinese metaphysics. Yang is opposite of Yin. It is like day and night, hot and cold, active and passive, loud and quiet, bright and dark, movement and stillness, etc. You can’t have one without the other. They co-exist and complement one another. The key is achieving an optimal balance between the two.

For a bedroom, it should be more Yin than Yang. It is a place that should be quiet and inactive. Feng Shui equates Yin with health/relationship aspects and Yang with wealth/career aspects. Water is Yang and for a water bed, it makes the bed too Yang. Imagine sleeping on a pool of water that is constantly moving. It is not a good Feng Shui feature. Your sleep is not going to be a restful one. Feng Shui does not recommend having a TV in a bedroom as it is also too Yang.

Other negative features that are too Yang for a bedroom:-
-          Too many windows or large windows
-          Too much sunlight streaming in during the day
-          A lamppost or electrical pole outside
-          A bedroom door that is aligned directly to the bed 

You should make sure to drape the windows with thick curtains to block out excessive sunlight. If there is a lamppost immediately outside the bedroom, you should keep the window closed at most times. The bed should be realigned away from the bedroom door and its headboard should rest against a solid flat wall for stability. A hill or mountain is a Yin feature. If it can be seen from the bedroom window, it is even better as it provides stability. Feng Shui favors a bedroom that is more Yin – calm, peaceful and stable. You should feel recharged and rejuvenated after a good night sleep. 

If you want to find success in love, career or wealth, please visit my websites at Bazidestiny and Proactive-qi.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Chinese Astrology – The Formula for Success

What is the Formula for Success? 

Can the true essence of success be captured through the ancient art of Chinese Astrology? What if success comes in a formula that is hidden in every person’s birth data and only revealed by deciphering the elements associated with the numbers? 

It is amazing how one’s birth data can holds the secrets to one’s future by turning the numbers into the elements of wood, fire, earth, metal and water. In the realm of Chinese Metaphysics, these are the five elements that transform from one to the other as phases of energy in a cyclical process of production and destruction. 

Get the hottest book on Chinese Astrology by Alvin Yap to Mind Your Qi (with Feng Shui) and Find Your Luck (with Ba Zi).

As we know it, Einstein’s famous equation, E = MC2 calculates energy based on a mathematical formula.  In a similar way, the ancient art of Chinese Astrology uses a person’s birth data to calculate energy through the five elements. A person’s birth chart is generated by a formula that is based on the Chinese’s Ten Thousand Year Calendar. From this calendar, a person’s birth chart is plotted sequentially and systematically through a set of pillars known as the Four Pillars of Destiny or Ba Zi (a Chinese word for Four Characters).   Within these four pillars, the strength of the energy can also be determined by the strength of the element that represents it. These elements represent the quality of the energy in a person and it manifests itself in the form of attitude, behavior and character, all of which play a part in a person’s destiny. 

By analyzing the elements in a birth chart, a skillful Astrologer can uncover the hidden door to a person’s potential or downfall in life. And the key that opens the door holds the power to a world of possibilities. This is where dreams are made or squandered depending on the strength, quality and usefulness of the elements. Likewise, a person can find success in life through his or her ability, desire and strength of character. But what if the key to a person’s success is encapsulated in a formula just like Einstein’s quantum theory? Wouldn’t it be great to know that each person has a formula to success that is integral to its birth chart? Like quantum energy, the elements exist in the form of energy that is inseparable at birth and remains with a person for life. 

Through many years of painstaking research and after analyzing thousands of birth charts from people all over the world, we are now able to encapsulate the essence of success in a formula that holds the key to a person’s potential in life. This is a discovery that is fundamental to the development of human potential in many areas. One of the areas is a person’s career choice and how a person makes the most of his or her characteristic traits and ability to achieve success. The formula for success is unique to a person’s birth chart. And it can be used to a person’s advantage in the pursuit of power, fame and fortune and all that life has to offer.   

For more insightful perspectives on The Four Pillars of Destiny (Ba Zi), please visit my website BaziDestiny and Proactive-qi